AUGUST 1 -16 2020
Heart of Neolithic Scotland spiritual journey includes:
August 1-5th, 5days-4 nights
Sites & Excursions
•Edinburgh-Rosslyne Chapel & Castle, Apprentice Pillar
•Findhorn-Findhorn Eco Village Tour
•Orkney Isle-Standing Stones of Sternness, Ring of Bodgar, Skara Brae,
Maes howe Chamber, Majestic Cliffs Lodging will be near to all Sacred
Trip price Includes: All ground transportation, flights within Scotland, Lodging, Some meals
Gateway of Ancient Egypt spiritual journey includes:
August 5-12th, 8 days & 7 Nights Sites & Excursions
•Giza Pyramids & Sphinx-Possible hour Private group time in the Great Pyramid
•Sakkara Abo Ghorab
•Karnak & Luxor Temples
•Abydos: the Osirion & Temple of Seti
•Dendarah (Hathor) Temple
•Hapu Temple (Ramses)
•Edfu (Horus)
•Komombo (Sobek & Horus)
•Khnum (Elephantine Island)
•Philae (Isis Temple)
•Abu Simbel
Sites are subject to change in final itinerary
Lodging : 3 Nights Marriot Mena , Nile Luxury Cruise days 5 Trip price
includes-Ground transportation, Ticket Entrance fee into all sites,
Flights within Egypt, Nile Luxury Cruise Some meals, Guides into sites
Heart of Africa spiritual journey includes:
August 13-16thor possibly extra add on day till 17th, 4 days
Sites & Excursions
•Maasai Mara reserve
•Mount Kilimanjaro
Trip pricing includes-Ground transportation, Entrance fees, Flights to & within Africa, Lodging
Due to Limited space on journey we will require a Deposit of $ 2,222 by April Our journey has 7 available spaces left open
We have a group of 6 already signed up for 2020 journey…..Scotland –Egypt –Africa
Call or email us for a more detailed itinerary and pricing : (629-333-5964) 0r
Early sign up pricing is discounted
Price options:
Full journey-5,555 this includes all full 16 day journey in Scotland, Egypt, Africa
Pricing available for individual parts of our Sacred site Journey:
For those called to be on only parts of our journey
Heart of Mystical Scotland-3,333
Egyptian Solar Gateway-4,444

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